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2025-2026 Read United Day Details Coming Soon

What is Read United Day?

The flagship program of Read United, Read United Day is organized in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, Liberty, and Long counties. On these days United Way volunteers read to classrooms and give books to every student in our region in pre-k through 2nd grade. Read United Day has continued to expand over the years, and this past year, more than 950 volunteers read and gave free books to over 20,000 children in the region. Many students from under-resourced communities may not have access to books at home, and this is something we can help address.

This year, we are thrilled to announce that, in partnership with Savannah-Chatham County Public School System and Live Oak Public Libraries, we will use Read United Day as a platform to encourage students and their families to connect with their local libraries. By doing so, students will have access to five library books at a time for home use, providing them with a steady supply of reading materials. Bryan, Effingham, Liberty, and Long counties will implement Read United Day as they did last year, with volunteers visiting classrooms to read to students and each student receiving a book to take home.

January 24, 2025

Bryan County
Chatham County
Effingham County
Liberty County
Long County

The power of your donation

Through Read United, we seek to increase opportunities for achievement and brighter futures overall.
By donating you can help provide books to the children in our region.

What your money buys:

buys one book

buys 10 books

buys 20 books for an entire class

buys 50 books

buys 100 books

books for an entire school


Read United Program Sponsors

Read United Day Sponsors

For questions or to secure your sponsorship, contact [email protected] or (912) 651-7700.

When children succeed, our region succeeds.

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