SAVANNAH, GA. (March 4, 2025) - – United Way of the Coastal Empire’s Women Who…
United Way’s 2-1-1 is a trusted, confidential community resource that provides direct assistance or referrals to the services that people need. People reach out to 2-1-1 daily asking for a wide range of help. A call could be about anything from finding bus fare, to seeking a safe shelter from domestic violence. More often than not, people call asking for help with one thing, only to find out there are several necessary steps to get there and 2-1-1 can assist them with the whole process.
United Way of the Coastal Empire, along with its offices in Bryan, Effingham and Liberty counties, works with local agencies to open communication further and share resources and procedures to increase efficiency. “We are digging deeper to gain information on the needs from the community that aren’t currently being met, so that we can work towards bridging these gaps,” said Jessica Carlson, 2-1-1 Director. United Way 2-1-1 connects families and individuals with resources that enable them to thrive. Resources like food pantries, job search and placement agencies, and financial emergency assistance agencies are provided so that they can grow resilient and become sustainable once again.
Our community accessed 2-1-1 online more than 10,000 times and placed over 7,500 calls to receive help. Of those interactions, there were nearly 2,000 referrals just to aid keeping a roof over someone’s head and food on their table.
If you are looking for assistance, you may call 2-1-1 Monday-Friday from 8:30 am – 5 pm . A trained specialist will help assess your needs, provide eligibility information, and contact those agencies who can help. United Way 2-1-1 is also available online 365 days a year at