United Way Announces United Way Nights at High School Football Games across the Region and Opportunities to Win Prizes
SAVANNAH, GA (September 2022) – United Way of the Coastal Empire will have United Way Nights at local high school football games across the four-county region including Bryan, Chatham, Effingham,…
United Way Kicks off the 2022 Campaign with Team United Message
SAVANNAH, GA (August 2022) – United Way of the Coastal Empire’s Campaign Chair Cindy Robinett of Sterling Seacrest Pritchard officially kicked off her TEAM UNITED campaign this Thursday, September 8…
United Way Announces a Community-Wide Initiative to Advance Early Language and Literacy through a Special Award
SAVANNAH, GA (Sept 13, 2022) – United Way of the Coastal Empire (UWCE) held a press conference announcing a community-wide initiative to advance early language and literacy in Chatham County…