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What is 2-1-1?

United Way's 2-1-1 is a trusted, confidential community resource that provides direct assistance or referrals to the services that people need. People reach out to 2-1-1 daily asking for a wide range of help. A call could be about anything…

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Deborah’s Story

Deborah Jackson dropped out of school at 16-years old, and after a near-death experience has been in long term recovery from drug addiction ever since. Her children have diplomas hanging in her mother’s house, which inspired Deb to earn her…

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The Kenkels’ Story

Tom and Tammy Kenkel found out while pregnant that their daughter Emily was prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome. While most people would find their worlds turned upside down, instead, they immediately reacted from the news by trying to establish their…

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Patricia’s Story

Patricia Gardner was stuck in a job where she had limited growth, was barely making ends meet, and was tired of the lack of compassion of those around her. So, she made a life-changing decision to work towards becoming a…

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Caroline’s Story

At first glance, the Creech family look like any happy, beautiful, Southern family. If you look closely, you can see their grace is equally as strong as their grit as they’ve dealt with two children being born deaf, and turned…

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Matthew’s Story

Driving down an almost unmarked winding dirt road, passing long and then longer grasses with birds playfully flying overhead, it seems like one is approaching an idyllic country scene. You’d expect to see horses, hear the buzzing wildlife, and smell a…

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