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Frank’s Story

Born and raised in Savannah, most people call him Mr. Bamboo– a name awarded to him by his former work associates for his undeniable work ethic. United Way, however, knows him by the name of Frank Williams– a man who…

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Queen’s Story

According to The National Alliance to End Homelessness—a nonpartisan organization committed to ending and preventing homelessness in the United States—10,443 people in the state of Georgia were homeless on a given night in 2019. 10,443 people were without proper sleeping…

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3.5 hours.  That’s how long I sat in my idling car snaking through the parking lot to get my COVID test, with hundreds of fellow Savannahians in their idling cars.  Frustrated, grumpy, and thankfully COVID-free, I bemoaned the state of…

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Petra’s Story

After having 3 strokes, 2 heart attacks, and an open heart surgery, Petra stays resilient. “I’m a fighter. I don’t give up,” Petra said. To keep her mind sharp, Petra attends a weekly stroke support group with Savannah Speech and…

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More Than Family

Our President and CEO Brynn Grant recently received a gift of the most meaningful, and emotional, kind. Brynn’s mother, Kathryn Racanelli Haymans, died unexpectedly in July 2004. For more than 40 years, she played bridge in a local club of…

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Proposed Budget Cuts Jeopardize Nonprofits

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way partner agencies have been working tirelessly to respond to the urgent and rapidly changing needs of our community. Now, as the State of Georgia proposes across-the-board budget cuts, local nonprofit agencies may lose substantial…

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COVID-19 Impact Stories

TIFFANY'S STORY Recovering from surgery last week, Tiffany Brown is fighting two battles. After being diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time, she had to close her business in January. She was making ends meet with house visits to…

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